The chess pieces are also divided into two colors: the light-colored chess pieces are called “white chess pieces”, and the chess player holding the white chess pieces is called “white square”; the dark-colored chess pieces are called “black chess pieces”, and the chess player holding the black chess pieces is called “white square.” Black”. Each side of the game has 16 chess pieces, including a king, a queen, two bishops, two knights, two castles and eight soldiers. At the beginning of the game, all the pieces are placed on the specified squares on the chessboard.(引文)
In the chess game, White plays first, and both sides take turns moving their existing chess pieces on the chess board. Only one chess piece can be moved in one move, which means that the king and the castle are moved simultaneously in one move.) Pieces can only move to an unoccupied square, or occupy the square where the opponent’s piece is and remove the opponent’s piece from the board. There can only be one chess piece in a chess grid, and chess pieces cannot overlap. Forfeiting a hand is not allowed, so a default will result in a game over.(引文)